How To Delete Calls On Instagram

By Abby •  Updated: 02/22/22 •  3 min read

Instagram is a social media site that lets its users share images and videos with their friends and followers. People use Instagram to keep up with their friends’ lives and make new ones.

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One of the features that Instagram offers is the option to make calls to your friends on the app. However, sometimes you may want to delete a call that you have made or don’t want your friend to know about it.

What Does Deleting Calls on Instagram Mean?

When you make a video call on Instagram, when the call is finished, it will be recorded in the history of the group. This feature makes it possible to get proof that an individual user has been making video calling activities on Instagram together with other people.

If you make many calls every day on Instagram, you will have a large number of call history stored in your database. It is the same when you chat with someone. The more calls you make, the more call history there will be on Instagram.

If you do not want your call history to accumulate, you can disable the call history on Instagram. How to do this is very easy, as you will find out by reading the next steps.

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How to Delete Calls on Instagram?

You can delete all the calls that you make on Instagram chat, but there is a catch. You would have to delete all the chat history in order to get rid of all the videos and audio calls.

When you talk with someone, they send you text messages as well as the history of calls that you made with that person. So, if you delete a chat, all the conversations and call histories will be deleted.

Below is a simple and quick process to delete your Instagram chat. If you do not want to lose the whole chat, you should avoid doing this and allow the call history to remain on your chat.

Here’s how you can disable the call history on Instagram:


The above instructions should help you delete calls on Instagram. The steps are very easy and straightforward, so you can follow them without any problems. You can delete all your existing call history on Instagram to avoid your friends knowing about it.

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