How To Delete Boards on Pinterest

By Abby •  Updated: 02/19/22 •  3 min read

Pinterest is a website that lets you store, organize and share images. If you want to grow your Pinterest page and make it more attractive for your audience, then we have some good news for you

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Pinterest allows you to create Boards that are categorized in a way that helps users find the content they are looking for. You can choose from a variety of categories such as food, home decorating ideas, travel inspiration, and more.

But if there is one thing that should be done regularly on every Pinterest account, it’s the deleting of old boards! After all; what’s the point of having multiple boards with similar information? You would want to make sure each of your boards are unique and informative.

What Does Deleting a Board on Pinterest Mean?

Deleting a board means that you will be getting rid of all the pins and boards that are related to it. It also means that other users will no longer be able to find that specific content or boards on Pinterest

If you are done with your boards but you think that you might someday want to sneak a peek at them again, archive your boards. If you’re 100% sure that you never want to see a message board again, you can delete the message.

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When you archive your boards, they will show up at the bottom of your profile, below your boards. You will be able to view Archived Boards, but everyone else won’t. Furthermore, you will not be able to save pins to them. You are permitted to unarchive a board at any time

How to Delete Boards on Pinterest?

Here’s how you can delete a board from your Pinterest:

Alternatively, here’s how you can archive a board from your Pinterest:


When you delete a board from your Pinterest, you will no longer be able to view or pin anything on it. However, if you want to sneak a peek at the boards again, then simply go ahead and archive them.

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