How to delete your freelancer account?

By Abby •  Updated: 07/11/21 •  3 min read

Freelancer is an American freelance website and a crowdsourcing marketplace that lets its users post a job or accept a job to complete their task. This website allows its users to create an account, edit account information, and upload posts and pictures. The user can also post the job on their portal and search for jobs related to any field. Also, they can apply for a job through the bidding method and can withdraw or deposit funds directly to their PayPal account or bank account.

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Freelancer account

Freelancer account

If you wish to delete your Freelancer account, take a look at this article.

What will happen if you delete your Freelancer account?

Closing your Freelancer account means all your transactions with other freelancer users will be ceased. If you close your account with funds in it, you can not use it again. Reactivating your account later will allow you to see all your transactions but not resume your transactions with other users.

How to delete your Freelancer account?

You can delete your Freelancer account if you no longer need it. It isn’t easy to delete your account than to create it. Before deleting your account, you should have no projects, account-related issues, and no funds remaining in your account.

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There are two ways to close your account:

  1. Delete your account through email
  2. Delete your account through the website.

Delete your Freelancer account through email.

You can delete your Freelancer account by sending an email to the respective company and requesting them to remove your account from the database. Follow these steps to close your Freelancer account by email:

1. Open your registered email account, and click on Compose.

2. Compose an email to

3. On the Subject, write “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT.”

4. Write an email requesting the company to remove your Freelancer account from their database.

5. Click on “Send.”

Delete your Freelancer account through the website.

You can also close your Freelancer account from their website. Follow these steps to delete your account:

1. Fill in your credentials and log in to your freelancer account at

2. Click on your profile at the top-right corner of the screen.

3. From the dropdown menu, click on Settings.

4. Click Account

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Close My Account.

6. You can choose your reason to close your account.

7. To confirm account deletion, click Close Account.

Your Freelancer account will be deleted, but you can still reactivate your account whenever you wish. To reactivate your account, log in with your previous email and password. A window will appear to enter the reactivation code and click on reactivate account to use it again.  



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