How to delete check-ins on Various Platforms

By Abby •  Updated: 08/10/21 •  5 min read

How to delete check-ins on Facebook

Facebook lets its users announce their location to their friends by tapping on the “Check-in” button that appears under every “Create Post” section. Although easier to add a location, removing one from an existing post can often be difficult and confusing.

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This guide will teach you how to remove a check-in location from a Facebook post, from both the desktop version and mobile app.

How to remove Facebook Check-in on Desktop

You can do this to remove your check-in on the desktop version of Facebook.

You can follow the same steps for removing check-in from other Facebook posts.

delete facebook checkins

How to delete Facebook Check-In from mobile app (Android and iOS)

You can do this to remove your check-in on the mobile version of Facebook.

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This will effectively remove check-in from your Facebook posts.

Removing a location from Check-ins

Alternatively, you can remove your location from the “Check-ins” options. While you can’t delete Facebook places from your map like you used to be able to do, you can remove posts directly from the Check-Ins page.

Here are the steps to do this.

For posts with photos, click the large ‘X’  on the right side of the location on the upper-right side of the page. Once done, click ‘Done Editing.’

This will effectively remove your Facebook Check-in from the post. You can repeat the same process with other posts.

While on the Check-Ins page, you can access all the recent Facebook check-in by clicking on “Recent.” You can sort the location check-ins history according to the date. Clicking on the location will only show the location, but clicking on the date will take you to the post when the tag or the Check-In was made so you can untag yourself, turn off notifications or even delete the post.

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