How To Delete Last Commit

By Abby •  Updated: 09/05/22 •  3 min read

Commit is a basic step in the process of maintaining your project. It helps you to commit all the changes that you have made in your project to the version control system. You can use Git or Mercurial to commit your changes.

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However, there are times when you might want to delete a particular commit. The question is how can you delete the last commit in the Git repository?

What is the Last Commit?

The last commit is the last commit that you have made in your project. It is an important part of the version control system. It is used to keep track of all the changes that you have made in your project.

It helps you to determine which version was committed by you and which one was committed by others. Also, it provides information about the last commit made by someone else in your project.

You can use this information to know who has changed which files in your project and when he has done it.

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How To Delete Last Commit In Git Repository?

There are two ways that you can delete the last commit in the Git repository. First, you can use the –abort option to commit all the changes in your project. The second method is to use the git reset –hard HEAD~1 command.

This will delete all the commits that you have made in your project. However, this method will delete only the commits that you have made since the last commit. You can use the following command to find out who has changed which files in your project and when he has done it:

git log –since=HEAD –oneline

Note: Please do not delete any file that contains confidential information about your company or the personal data of your employees. It is also recommended not to delete any file unless you are sure about what you are doing.

Otherwise, there might be issues regarding permission or security settings on those files and data. In such cases, make sure that no one else has committed changes on those files and deleted them too.

To check if someone else has deleted files, check the history of your repository with the git log command.

How Do I Revert Last Commit Before Push?

If you have made changes in your project that you do not want to push to the remote repository, you can use the following command to revert the last commit:

git reset –hard HEAD~1

In this case, all the changes that you have made since your last commit will be reverted. You will also lose any information about those changes that were made by others.

If you are not sure about what you are doing, then do not use this command. It is always recommended to use a script or an automated process to revert your changes. However, if you want to revert your changes by hand, use the following command:

git reset –hard HEAD~1 –soft HEAD~1

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